Charcuterie Bouquet

Plan the perfect Valentine’s Day dinner at home with a meal fit for your charcuterie-loving partner. This bouquet features something so much better than cliché flowers: cheese hearts, salami roses, fresh strawberries, and chocolate. No need for a multi-course tasting menu, use this themed Valentine’s Day charcuterie board to help build the perfect date night dinner at home with your special someone. Pair with a bottle of bubbly and good company.

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It’s truly a little bit of everything. Featuring heart-Shaped Mortadella, fresh fruit from local farmer’s market, Provolone + Cheddar Cheeses cut into cheerful hearts, and bite-sized snacks of Coppa, Spicy Sopressata, and Genoa Salame for one dynamic date night. Single-Serving Charcuterie means you don’t have to share! Whether taking time this weekend for yourself, spending it with someone special, or hanging out with your friends & family – we hope you have a wonderful #ValentinesDay with the people who you love the most!

What you’ll need